Getting tips from a professional experienced tipster can be great to make a good amount of cash. The bookies often fear the top tipsters, and scramble to lower the odds as they see money placed on the best bets. However, it surely makes one thing clear that people can rely on the better sports tipsters.
Here, Quentin Franks Racing gives an evening service of value tips which you can trial for just £1….
Click Here to Trial QF Value Tips for £1
The profit of QF value tips is good, which stands at £3,457.20 at the time of review.
The Return on Investment also comes out good at 18.82%, which is above the 15% ROI band I would set for an excellent tipster.
The Strike rate is 24.32% that gives a monthly profit of £115.24 and at the time of review, the bank growth rate was stated to be 345.72%. The strike rate is acceptable and means you will win roughtly 1/4 bets which means you won’t have too many long losing runs.
Click Here to Trial QF Value Tips for £1
In our opinion Quentin Franks Racing evening tips are equally great as his morning tips, in his Quentin Franks Service which you may have tried.
Quentin recognises that there is a serious betting opportunity in betting early as you get a good price before many of the morning punters catch on. Of course you can get caught out by non-runners and going changes, but often you will notice that evening before tipsters make a good profit.
Another advantage of the evening before approach is that you don’t have any trouble getting tips on if you work 9-5. who supply the tips make things easy with a betting app and emailed tips so its very easy to get and place the bets for this service.
At just £1 for the trial you have little to lose and with an 18.82% return, you have a decent investment opportunity for a low trial cost.
Grab this chance today and start getting some winners!